Being a big girl is quite tough in the kind of world we live in today. Although, beauty standards are evolving and peoples' perceptions of beauty are changing, we still have a long way to go.
Still struggling to build your confidence as a big girl? Or you want tips on how to feel more fulfilled as a curvy girl, then this is the right article for you.
To live a fulfilled life as a curvy girl, you have to:
1. KNOW YOUR WORTH: Confidence is key in everything you do in life. You have to know your self-worth as a person. Don't use your relationships with loved ones or friends to validate yourself. Don't use material possessions, jobs or personal achievements to validate yourself. Find and know your self-worth without all those superficial things. Don't ever allow the negative opinions of people around make you doubt your self-worth. People would always be who they are and would always give their unsolicited opinions, good or bad. You would sometimes go through trials and tribulations. Friends and family may even disappoint you. What makes you stronger and increases your worth is you being able to grow from and overcome these challenges. Be smart enough to recognize challenges for what they are and don't let them break you or bring down your self-worth.
2. FIND YOUR PEACE OF MIND: Whatever is going on inside your mind would always reflect on your outside. If you have inner conflicts, it would show. If you have inner peace, it would also show. It would inform your decisions and influence the way you see yourself and the way people see you. Find your inner peace. Find your happy place. Find that thing that shuts out all the negative voices in your head that are trying to break you down. It could be music. It could be dance. It could be a hobby. It could be yoga or exercise. It could be art. Just find it and stick with it because there in lies your inner peace. When you find that, you have finally come home.
3. FIND YOURSELF: Who are you really? Search yourself. Grow into yourself. Ask yourself questions. Learn about yourself. Make friends with yourself. Spend alone time with yourself. Love yourself. Appreciate who you are. That is how you find yourself. Face challenges head-on. Don't shy away from them. They help you grow and find yourself. Learn new things, Embrace new hobbies and opportunities. You can never know what new career path you may embark on or what new trend you may set for others to follow. You may just inspire others from your journey of finding yourself.
4. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF: Be honest with yourself. Tell yourself the truth. Know when you are lying to yourself or going in a way that is contrary to your principles and beliefs and catch yourself. Life is tough but the truth would always set you free.
5. DON'T DWELL ON PAST MISTAKES AND REGRETS: Don't waste precious time feeling sorry for yourself and dwelling on the mistakes you made in the past. Accept them as part of your journey, your process, your growth and move on with your life. Life is tough. Things don't always go the way we want or plan them to go. Challenges make us tough enough to handle life and scale through. Accept this and live your life.
6. EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE: You don't have to work yourself out to a stupor. Just work on looking and keeping fit. Mild exercises for 15-30 minutes a day should do. Eat clean for your health. You can indulge once in a while in junk food but it should be once in a while.
7. DRESS WELL AND LOOK GOOD: How you look on the outside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Find clothes that fit and accentuate your shape and best features. Wear clothes you are comfortable and confident in. They could be sexy, skimpy, well-covered, whatever suits your fancy as far as you are comfortable in them. You don't have to spend a fortune or wear designer labels to look good. Package yourself and your curves. Wear the right under garments. Keep your hair neat and tidy. Keep your nails neat. Wear good shoes. Keep your breath fresh always. Take care of your skin. You can never know who is admiring you from a distance.
8. HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE: Your attitude is key in anything you are doing. You have to be grateful and thankful for what you have. Show gratitude for what you have achieved. You may not be exactly where you need to be but at least you are not where you used to be. Be grateful for the little things. Appreciate life and stay happy and confident. Smile. Be friendly but firm and principled. Be bold. Be yourself. Work on yourself and don't ever let anyone talk you down. Just do these simple things and you would definitely find self-fulfillment in life.
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